
Leadership and Service Programs

Leadership and Service Programs
As a programmatic area within the Office of Student Life, Leadership and Service Programs focuses on helping students develop their leadership skills and get more involved in their community through service. These are two distinct areas that are intrinsically connected.


Leadership in Action Certificate Program

Leadership in Action is a robust certificate program that guides students through a number of high-impact leadership development programs and takes place year-round. Using the “Social Change Model of Leadership Development” as a framework, the certificate encourages students to see direct engagement with the community as necessary to becoming a true leader. The certificate challenges students to grow on three distinct levels: growth as an individual, leadership within a group and leadership in the community. To learn more about how to earn the Leadership in Action Certificate, visit

Leadership in Action Certificate
All programs from both the leadership and service components fulfill
requirements of the Leadership in Action Certificate Program.



The Leadership component focuses on providing students with meaningful opportunities to strengthen and develop their leadership skills. Leadership is approached as a purposeful, collaborative and values-based process that ultimately challenges students to create positive social change. Leadership is not seen as a position, but as a process. Leaders continuously learn. Good leaders also follow. Social change is the ultimate goal of a critical leader. The next time someone tells you they are a leader, ask them what they’ve done for their community.

Leadership programs include:

Cultural Awareness Project
Cultural Awareness Project
Bridge the Gap
Bridge the Gap
Game Changers
Game Changers
Inspiring R’Leaders Conference
Inspiring R’Leaders Conference


The Service component focuses on getting more students to get involved in community service and become better connected with their community. College students are uniquely positioned to create change within their communities and the world as a whole. UCR students are extremely involved with community service — this programmatic area hopes to provide them as many meaningful opportunities as possible. Service is positioned as a critical step in the journey of leadership.

Service programs include:

Martin Luther King Day of Service
Martin Luther King Day of Service
Love Riverside Day of Service
Love Riverside Day of Service
The Community Service Portal
The Community Service Portal